
Friday, July 30, 2010

GRC Blog Launch

After years of writing monthly articles for major gaming industry publications, Gaming Regulatory Consultants will start a blog focused on regulatory news and issues related to casino gaming. We anticipate launching this effort on Tuesday, August 3, 2010.
So why now - and why a blog? For some time we've realized that monthly articles have limits in our fast-paced society. Though an article can treat a topic in depth, there is roughly a six week time gap between developing an idea for an article and its actual publication. As we all know, a lot can happen in six weeks - especially in the gaming industry. This gap more or less precludes topical commentary unless the matter is of such broad significance that it is likely to have a long shelf life.
We know that there are any number of casino gaming blogs. But we feel that our background and experience as former regulators who have established successful programs in both the tribal and non-tribal environment can offer a unique and valuable perspective on the many issues and challenges facing the gaming industry today. As the readers of our articles already know, we don't pull punches and will always strive to "tell it like it is."
So we invite you to visit often and feel free to provide feedback as we embark on this new endeavor.

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